Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Web 2.0 - Flickr

Web 2.0 is a trend in the World Wide Web technology of web-based communities and hosted services such as social-networking sites, and blogs, which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing among users.

Flickr is a free picture sharing web site that students could use in a high school social studies classroom. Flickr is an easily navagatable website that students should be able to use quickly and efficiently. The search option makes looking for pictures very simple.


In History 20 Core Material for Unit Two, students learn about Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. If students had a project on the life of Hitler and the rise of the Nazi's, Flickr would be a useful place to acquire pictures of Hitler and Nazi leaders.

If the project was to be completed in a newspaper format, a teacher could mix some curricular objectives and implement Module 19: Desktop Publishing from the Practical and Applied Arts curriculum. The students would still be able to use Flickr as a resource for looking up pictures of Hitler and the Nazi's and then use the desktop publishing to put it in a newspaper.

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